Connections view

The Connections view shows all the LDAP connections that you have added. Here is an example screenshot of the Connection view:

To re-order connections just drag-and-drop connections.

The following icons can appear in the Connections view:

Connections is opened.
Connection is closed.
New Connection...Starts the New Connection wizard
Open ConnectionOpens the selected connection(s)
Close ConnectionCloses the selected connection(s)
New Connection...Starts the New Connection wizard 
Open ConnectionOpens the selected connection(s) 
Close ConnectionCloses the selected connection(s) 
Open Schema BrowserOpens the Schema Browser and shows the schema of the selected connection 
Copy ConnectionCopies the selected connections(s) to the clipboard. To duplicate an existing connection please combine copy and paste. Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Insert
Paste ConnectionPastes the copied connections(s) from clipboard. Only enabled if there are connections in clipboard. Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert
Delete ConnectionDeletes the selected connections(s). Only enabled if the selected connections are closed.Delete
 Select AllSelects all connections.Ctrl-A
 Rename Connection...Opens a dialog to rename the selected connection.F2
ImportLDIF Import... Starts the LDIF Import wizard. 
ExportLDIF Export... Starts the LDIF Export wizard. 
ExportCSV Export... Starts the CSV Export wizard. 
ExportExcel Export... Starts the Excel Export wizard. 
 PropertiesOpens the connection properties dialog. Alt-Enter