This section describes the context menu of the Entry Editor.
Description: Opens the New Attribute wizard . When finishing the wizard a new attribute is created and the edit mode is started to enter a value.
Enabled: If attributes or values are selected.
Shortcut: Shift-Ctrl-+
Description: Adds a new value to the selected attribute and starts the edit mode.
Enabled: If one attribute or value is selected and the attribute is modifyable and multivalued.
Shortcut: Ctrl-+
Description: Opens the Search dialog . The selected attributes and values are used to build the search filter (Query by example).
Enabled: If attributes or values are selected.
Shortcut: Ctrl-H
Description: Opens the Batch Operation wizard . If one or multiple DN values are selected these DNs are used as operation objects. Otherwise the selected attributes and values are used to build the search filter (Query by example).
Enabled: If attributes or values are selected.
Description: Locates the entry of the selected DN in DIT.
Enabled: If one value is selected and this value is a distinguished name.
Shortcut: F3
Description: Opens the Object Class page in Schema Browser and selects the object class definition of the currently selected objectClass value.
Enabled: If one objectClass value is selected and the schema contains this object class.
Description: Opens the Attribute Type page in Schema Browser and selects the attribute type definiton of the currently selected attribute.
Enabled: If one attribute or value is selected and the schema contains this attribute type.
Description: Opens the Matching Rule page in Schema Browser and selects the equality matching rule definiton of the currently selected attribute.
Enabled: If one attribute or value is selected, the attribute provides an equality matching rule and the schema contains this matching rule.
Description: Opens the Matching Rule page in Schema Browser and selects the substring matching rule definiton of the currently selected attribute.
Enabled: If one attribute or value is selected, the attribute provides a substring matching rule and the schema contains this matching rule.
Description: Opens the Matching Rule page in Schema Browser and selects the ordering matching rule definiton of the currently selected attribute.
Enabled: If one attribute or value is selected, the attribute provides an ordering matching rule and the schema contains this matching rule.
Description: Opens the Syntax page in Schema Browser and selects the syntax definiton of the currently selected attribute.
Enabled: If one attribute or value is selected, the attribute provides an syntax and the schema contains this syntax.
Description: Copies the selected values. The values are copied to clipboard in an internal format so they could be pasted to another entry even in the search result editor. Additional they are copied to the system clipboard as string so they could be pasted in other applications. New-line is used as value separator. Binary values are copied BASE-64 encoded.
Shortcut: Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Insert
Description: Pasted the previously copied values to the current entry. Each value is copied separately, when an error occurs while adding the value the paste operation will continue with the next value.
Enabled: If the system clipboard contains values.
Shortcut: Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert
Description: Deletes the selected attributes and values. Note that the following attributes aren't deleteable:
Enabled: If attributes and values are selected and they are deletable.
Shortcut: Delete
Description: Copies the distinguished name of the current entry (e.g. cn=John Fowler,ou=People,o=JNDITutorial)
Description: Copies the URL of the current entry (e.g. ldap://localhost:389/cn=John Fowler,ou=People,o=JNDITutorial)
Copies the attribute descriptions of the selected attributes and values as string to the system clipboard.
Copies the selected values UTF-8 encoded to the system clipboard.
Copies the selected values BASE-64 encoded to the system clipboard.
Copies the selected attribute and values in LDIF format to the system clipboard.
Builds search filters from the selected attributes and values. There are four options:
Description: Copies the selected attribute and value as LDAP search filter (attribute=value).
Enabled: If one value is selected.
Description: Copies the selected attribute and value as LDAP NOT search filter (!(attribute=value)).
Enabled: If one value is selected.
Description: Copies the selected attributes and values as LDAP AND search filter (&(attribute1=value1)...(attributeN=valueN)).
Description: Copies the selected attributes and values as LDAP OR search filter (|(attribute1=value1)...(attributeN=valueN)).
Description: Deletes all values of the selected attributes. Applicable to multi-valued attributes, if you want to delete the complete attribute just select one value use this action.
Enabled: If values of multi-valued attributes are selected and these attributes are deleteable.
Description: Opens the Edit Attribute wizard . When changing the attribute description a add operation and a delete operation is performed. Note that the attribute descriptions of the following attributes aren't editable (analog to delete):
Enabled: If one attribut or value is selected and the attribute description is editable.
Shortcut: F6
Edits the selected value using the default value editor. To change the default value editor see Value Provider preferences .
Enabled: If one value is selected and this is modifyable.
Shortcut: F7 or Enter
Depending on the selected value there could be alternate value editors. To edit the selected value with another value editor choose one of the listed editors.
Enabled: If one value is selected and this is modifyable.
Description: Opens the Properties dialog with the Attribute properties page or Value properties page .
Shortcut: Alt-Enter