Context Menu

This section describes the context menu of the Entry Editor.

  • Icon:

  • Description: Opens the Batch Operation wizard . If one or multiple DN values are selected these DNs are used as operation objects. Otherwise the selected attributes and values are used to build the search filter (Query by example).

  • Enabled: If attributes or values are selected.

Builds search filters from the selected attributes and values. There are four options:

  • Description: Opens the Edit Attribute wizard . When changing the attribute description a add operation and a delete operation is performed. Note that the attribute descriptions of the following attributes aren't editable (analog to delete):

    • objectClasses which attributes are contained in the entry
    • RDN attributes
    • The last value of must attributes
    • Operational attributes

  • Enabled: If one attribut or value is selected and the attribute description is editable.

  • Shortcut: F6