Search dialog

In the LDAP Search page you can specify search parameters to query a directory. It is integrated within the Eclipse search dialog.

To start the LDAP Search page the following procedure is recommended:

  1. Select a entry, search, attribute or value in the LDAP Browser view, in the Entry editor or in the Search Result editor.

  2. Then choose New Search... from context menu or use the shortcut Ctrl-H or press the Search button int the Workbench toolbar.

Search Name A meaningful name of the search. With this name the search is listed in the Searches category. Current timestamp
Connection The connection to search on. Use the Browse... button to select a connection. *)
Search Base The base DN of the search. You could edit the DN or select a recently used DN from drop-down list or click to Browse.... to open the DN Selector dialog. *)
Filter Enter a valid LDAP search filter. Hit Ctrl-Space to get content assistance. The drop-down list provides a history of recently used attributes. A click to the Filter Editor button opens the Filter Editor dialog. *)
Returning Attributers A comma-separated list of attributes that should be returned and displayed in the Search Result editor. Hit Ctrl-Space to get content assistance. The drop-down list provides a history of recently used attributes. * )
Scope The search scope. Object searches on the base DN only (compare); One Level searches the direct children of the base DN; Subtree searches the base DN an all its descendants. * )
Count Limit The maximum number of entries the server should return, value 0 means no limit. Note that this value is a client-side limit, its possible that also a server-side limit is used. * )
Time Limit The maximum time in milliseconds the server should search. Value 0 means no limit. Note that this value is a client-side value, its possible that also a server-side limit is used. * )
Alias Dereferencing An indicator whether aliases should be dereferenced during search or not. * )
Referrals Handling An indicator whether to follow referrals or not. * )
* ) The default values depends on the element that was selected when the wizard has been started:
  • Search: All search parameters are taken from the selected search

  • Entry, search result or bookmark:

    • Connection: the connection behind the entry

    • Search Base: the entry's DN

    • Filter: (objectClass=*)

    • Returning Attributes: -

    • Scope: One Level

    • Limits, aliases and referral handling are taken from the entry's connection

  • Attribte and/or values:

    • Connection: the connection behind attribute's entry

    • Search Base: the DN of the attribute's entry

    • Filter: The filter is build from the selected attributes and values (Query by example)

    • Returning Attributes: -

    • Scope: One Level

    • Limits, aliases and referral handling are taken from connection behind attribute's entry